Home NewsCompanies Tenders and Contracts Australasia Jacobs jv to deliver services for Sydney Water

Jacobs jv to deliver services for Sydney Water

A Jacobs, Broadspectrum and Downer EDI joint venture, Confluence Water Pty Ltd, has been announced as one of three regional delivery consortia to work in a new long-term partnership with Sydney Water.

Confluence Water will deliver design, construction, maintenance and facilities management services in Sydney Water’s North region, which stretches from Sydney Harbour to the Hawkesbury River and includes the Hills Shire. Confluence Water will be responsible for the maintenance, renewal and upgrade of existing assets in the region, as well as the construction of new assets, such as pipelines, pump stations and wastewater treatment plants.

The project will be delivered over a 10-year period under Sydney Water’s Partnering for Success program, with a review at the five-year mark to assess each consortium’s performance.

Sydney Water estimates the total value of the contract is approximately $1.4 billion (AUD$2 billion).

Confluence Water will support Sydney Water in delivering world-class services to over one million people living in the North region.

“The Partnering for Success initiative is pioneering the next generation of programmed infrastructure delivery,” said Jacobs People & Places Solutions Senior Vice President Patrick Hill. “We’re pleased to be part of the partnership with Sydney Water, helping to transform the industry and ensure safe and reliable services for all Sydney Water customers into the future.”

The new partnership is aiming to deliver year-on-year efficiencies to both reduce costs and drive innovation, delivering outcomes for both Sydney Water and its customers.

The formal contract will commence Monday, January 6, 2020, with a go-live date of July 1, 2020.

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